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The Gizzmo Kmon will help take your tuning to the next level. The Kmon was designed with leading tuners for tuners with endless hours of dyno development as a major component in the research and development process.

Each headphone can independently be configured via the software to listen to different knock sensors e.g. on a RB26DETT you could configure the left headphone to the front of the motor and the right headphone to the sensor on the rear of the motor or on the V8 one sensor could be used for the right bank and another for the left bank (please note that their Kmon comes with one sensor and sensor loom). There are two headphone jacks for the convenience of training a tuner or a second set of ears when tuning.

The knock sensors used for the Gizzmo Kmon are the Bosch donut type that allow a 10mm threaded bolt through the centre for easy mounting. The software allows you to tailor the knock channels individually to the motor in addition to setting up the headphones as you desire. It is also possible to set the headphones up so that they are silent until a warning threshold is reached e.g. you can set a warning level of 60% and if this threshold it exceeding the headphones will emit a loud, sharp buzz.

After the software has been configured you can shut down the software and just plug in the Gizzmo Kmon (to a USB2 port) whenever you need it; the Gizzmo Kmon will always just return to your settings very time it is plugged in. The Kmon also has two analogue outputs so that you can log the knock levels into a dyno for comparisons against air fuel ratio's, boost etc.

On the side of the Kmon are 4 LED's; one indicates power, one flashes showing communications and 2 ultra bright LED's illuminate if the knock threshold (previously explained) has been exceeded. Internally thing the Kmon is armed with 5 processors. 2 are 20mhz DSP processors (1 per knock channel), 2 are 48mhz RISC processors for number crunching, control and communications and the last processor is just for timing alignment.

Features include:

  • 2 Independent Audio Output Channels
  • 2 independent Knock Input Channels
  • Each knock channel has configurable sensitivity, centre frequency, bandpass width
  • Real-time Audio / Visual monitoring for each channel
  • Configurable Knock Warning levels for each channel
  • Real-time replay of data-logs for each channel
  • Left and Right headphones can be dedicated to separate knock channels
  • Pre and Post Audio filtering for each independent knock channel
  • High Speed USB2 interfacing
  • 0V to 4.5V analogue outputs per channel for analogous recording for external hardware e.g. analogue inputs for ECU's, Dyno's etc
  • Plug & Play, no external power supply needed


  • 1 x Kmon Module
  • 1 x Knock Sensor
  • 1 x Knock Sensor Loom
  • 1 x Headphones
  • 1 x Software CD
  • 1 x USB2 Cable 

Gizzmo K-Mon Knock Monitor

SKU: GZM-G0001

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